M.F.A. Sculpture - California College of Arts and Crafts (CCAC). Graduated with High Distinction 1993
B.A. Biological Sciences - University of California, Santa Barbara 1986
Artist in Residence – Interdisciplinary Arts Program, San Francisco Arts Education Project (SFArtsEd), San Francisco, CA May ‘14 – Present. The program explores a contemporary art curriculum for high school students.
Artist in Residence – Ruth Asawa School of the Arts (SOTA), San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
January ‘13 – May ‘14. The Independent Interdisciplinary Arts Project was a pilot program that explored a contemporary art curriculum for high school.
Artist in Residence – The Workshop Residence, San Francisco, CA June ‘13. With Batle family; artist will explore designs using recycled milk jugs in the creation of lamp product that will be locally sourced and produced.
Artist in Residence - School of the Arts, San Francisco (SFUSD) September ’92 – September ‘97. Artist taught high school classes in sculpture, photography and drawing.
Artist in Residence - San Francisco Arts Education Foundation, January ‘94 – June ’97 As an Artist/teacher worked with middle school students to create collaborative works with an emphasis in social consciousness.
Artist in Residence - Berkeley Oakland Support Services, Summer 1995. Worked with homeless youth to create outdoor public sculpture that traveled through East Bay streets
Artist in Residence - Southern Exposure Summer Program, Summer 1995. Work with Mission District Youth to create art that give a "voice" for their issues and concerns.
Selected Artist - Arts Project for the SFUSD to introduce innovative integrated multidisciplinary arts projects to district teachers, Spring 1991
Teaching Assistant – University of California, Santa Barbara, Summer 1986 Intro to ceramics.
Guest Speaker
California College of Arts Crafts, Sculpture (Cara Levine and Zoe Farmer) - Winter 2015
Pixar Studios – Emeryville, CA 2013
The Noguchi Museum – Long Island City, New York 2012
Craft Forward Symposium - California College of the Arts, San Francisco & Oakland 2011, Panelist
Design within Reach - San Francisco Studio, Fillmore St. 2008
Velvet Da Vinci (West Coast Artists) - San Francisco, Fall 2007
San Francisco Art Institute, Sculpture (Bette Burgoyne), Spring 1995. Fall 1996
California College of Arts Crafts, Sculpture (Mark Thompson) Fall 1994
San Francisco Art Institute, Worlds in collision (Carlos Villa). Spring 1993
San Francisco Art Institute, Panel for Voices of Citizenry (with DIWA). Aug. 1993
Southern Exposure Gallery, Art in Education series Winter 1993
University of California Berkeley - Painting (Yolanda Lopez). Fall 1993
University of California Berkeley - Panel at Asian American Art Conference - "Voices of Persistence", Fall 1993
2016 Jack Fischer Gallery - CA, Nov. - Dec. 2016
Solo Show: Murmur/Tremble feat. Ash Dancer
2014 Artisterium – Tbilisi International Contemporary Art Exhibition and Art Events – Tbilisi, Georgia
Nov ’14, “Rubble Riches Treasure Trash”
2013 Lois Lambert Gallery – CA, Sept-Nov ’13, Group Show: “70% Water”
2012 artMRKT San Francisco - Jack Fischer Gallery – CA, May'12
Velvet Da Vinci Gallery – CA, April-May'12 – Art Jewelry Group Show: “Wood”
2011 Lois Lambert Gallery – CA, Sept-Nov '11 – Solo Show: “Almost Diamonds”
San Francisco Museum Of Modern Art (SFMOMA) – CA, May '11 - Artist Warehouse Show
2010 Art Zone 461 - CA, September-October '10 - Group Show: “Aqua: Art on Water”
SFMOMA Artists Gallery – CA, July-August '10 - Group Show: "Wondrous Strange: A 21st Century Cabinet of Curiosities"
Lois Lambert Gallery – CA, May-July '10 - Group Show: “NEW GRAPHITE”
San Francisco Arts Fair- Art Zone 461 – CA, May '10
SFMOMA – CA, May '10 - Artist Warehouse Show
2009 Los Gatos Art Museum – CA, December '09-February '10 - Solo show of recent Sculpture and Graphite Paintings
Howard Skinner Gallery – CA, November '09 - Two person show
2009 Crocker Art Museum – CA, January - February – “The 75th Crocker-Kingsley: California’s Biennial”.
BEST OF SHOW was awarded to Agelio Batle, Black Growth, 2008.
2008 Art Zone 461- CA, December '08 - January '09 - Solo Show: "Heads and Tales"
Velvet Da Vinci - West Coast Design Group Show – CA, January – February ‘08
2003 Art Exchange 2003 – CA, April ‘03 - Solo Show of mixed media paintings and objects
American Craft Council Charlotte – NC, December ‘03- ACC craft show
American Craft Council Sarasota – FL, December ‘03- ACC craft show
American Craft Exposition Craft Show – Evanston, IL, August ‘03 - ACE craft show
American Craft Council San Francisco - CA, August ‘03- ACC craft show
Lincoln Center, New York City – NY, June ‘03 - ACAC craft show
Lyndhurst Castle, Westchester County – NY, May ‘03 - Artrider craft show
American Craft Council St. Paul – MN, April ‘03 - ACC craft show
American Craft Council Atlanta – GA, March ‘03 - ACC craft show
American Craft Council Baltimore – MD, February ‘03 - ACC craft show
2002 KPFA Craft Show - San Francisco, CA, December ‘02 - KPFA craft show
Philadelphia Museum Art Craft Show – PA, November ‘02- PMA craft show
American Craft Exposition Craft Show – Evanston, IL, August ‘02- ACE craft show
American Craft Council San Francisco - CA, August ‘02- ACC craft show
American Craft Council Baltimore – MD, July ‘02- ACC craft show
American Craft Council Chicago– IL, April ‘02- ACC craft show
American Craft Council Baltimore – MD, February ’02 - ACC craft show
2000 Bindlestiff Theater - CA, October ‘00 - Designed and constructed stage set for Jeannie Barroga's play “Gadgets”.
1998 Rayon Vert – San Francisco, CA, September ’98 - “Flora and Fauna”
1997 SFMOMA Artists Gallery – Fort Mason CA, November ’97 – “Works on Paper” Group Show of works on paper.
1996 Institute of Contemporary Art San Jose, CA, September ‘96 – “Location Location”
Group Show of works relating to ideas of place and geography.
California College of Arts Crafts and the City of Oakland – Oakland, CA, August ’96 “Neighborhood Flags” Worked with 12 Oakland youths to design flags for their individual neighborhoods. Flags hang over Oakland's Chinatown.
1995 Euphrat Museum – Cupertino, Oakland and Berkeley, CA, September ’95, “Faces for change”. A collaboration with homeless youth to create Kiosk-like structure on wheels, in the shape of a house containing images and poetic text about homeless experience. Structure traveled for one year on the streets of the East Bay in various outdoor sites.
Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, CA, June ’95, “Beyond the Refrigerator door” A show of innovative children’s artwork made in collaboration with Teacher/artists.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art – January ’95, “Brick project”, exhibited at the opening ceremonies of SFMOMA. A one day installation/construction of 1200 brick sized blocks of wood made by S.F. children about their ideas of home. Awarded, The National Scholastic Art Award, and a smaller scale installation in the Cocoran Museum in Washington DC
1994 Southern Exposure Gallery - San Francisco, CA, November ’94, “Re: Drawing”
Center for the Arts Yerba Buena Gardens - San Francisco, CA, September ’94, “Next to Nothing”
1994 Center For the Arts Yerba Buena Gardens - San Francisco, CA, August ’94
“Peregrinasyon” Set design stage play for Teatro Ng Tanan.
1994 Capp Street Project - San Francisco, CA, 2 year project, “Art in the Urban Landscape- 2 year project” various sites throughout San Francisco. Collaboration with Diwa Arts, a Filipino - American art Collective
1993 Southern Exposure Gallery - San Francisco, CA, December ’93 “Drawing First”
San Francisco Art Institute – San Francisco, CA, August ’93 “Voices of citizenry”. A collaboration with DIWA Arts on installation diagramming a Filipino identity.
Gallery Here - Oakland CA, July ’93 “Moments of Perception” Group show dealing with human perception.
Gallery Here - Oakland, CA, June ’93 “This Space” Group shows dealing with the architectural elements of the gallery
California College of Arts Crafts Main Gallery - Oakland, CA, April ‘93 “MFA Exhibition”
De Vera Gallery - San Francisco, CA, April ’93 “Unabridged” One-person show
1992 Mills College - Oakland, CA, November ’92 “Book Show” Group show of innovative art books,
Richmond Art Center - Richmond, CA, September ’92 “Truth or consequences” With DIWA Arts, designed and installed multimedia installation dealing with the colonization of the Philippines
Asian American Arts Conference, San Franciscio Art Institute - San Francisco, CA, February ’92
“Balance” Performance dealing with bicultural conflict
1991 Mission Cultural Center - San Francisco, CA October ‘91”Rooms For the Dead” With DIWA Arts, designed and built multimedia installation dealing with death in Filipino - American culture.
South of Market Cultural Center Gallery - San Francisco, CA May ’91,
“Salinlahi” Curate an exhibition of contemporary Filipino-American Artists
Davis Art Center - Davis, CA, April ’91
“Asparagus” Organized a multimedia installation about Filipino pioneer asparagus workers of California
1990 Pro Arts Gallery - Oakland, CA, October ‘90 “Altar/Alter” Group Show
New Langton Arts - San Francisco, CA, November ’90
“Extended Family: 250,000 Filipinos” Installation of documents from the Filipino community
Cowell Theater - San Francisco, CA “Cycles” Stage set design, Kulintang Arts
TransAmerica Pyramid - San Francisco, CA “Functional Fantasy”
1989 Alligator Gallery, San Francisco, CA “Frisco 100”
Miller/Brown Gallery, San Francisco, CA Annual Show
Running Ridge Gallery, Santa Fe, NM One-person Show
Downey Museum of Art, Downey, CA “Ceramics Now”
1988 Miller/Brown Gallery, San Francisco, CA “Vessels: Variation on a form”
American Craft Museum - New York City, NY, 2-year national tour “Young Americans”
Freehand Gallery, Los Angeles, CA “Clay”
2009 Best of Show - California Biennale - Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
2007 Award of Excellence, American Craft Council, San Francisco, CA (for Wood Jewelry)
2005 Juror’s Award for Sculpture, Saint Louis Art Fair (Cheryl Riley)
1995 National Scholastic Art Award
1993 High Distinction, MFA candidate CCAC
1992 All College Honors CCAC
1991 James Irvine Foundation Award CCAC
1988 Young American, American Craft Council
In Style Magazine – December 2014
American Craft Magazine – December 2013/January 2014
Casa Brutus (Japan) – January 2012
In Style Magazine – December 2011
Country Living – November 2011
Elle Décor (UK) – February 2011
Parents Magazine – December 2010
Chicago Home and Garden Magazine - Nov/Dec 2009
San Francisco Chronicle – 2008
Inside Out (Australia) - Jan/Feb 2008
US Airways – February 2008
Reader's Digest – December 2007
Pen World – September 2007
Oprah – June 2006
High Fashion (Japan) – October 2003
Casa Brutus (Japan) – January 2003
Artweek - July 1991, December 1990, May 1989, December 1988